May 16, 2011

It's Monday again

Well, the children are back in school after the weekend filled with fun and laughter.  It was somewhat a stress-free Saturday and Sunday for me as the exams are over.  Wait a minute!  Tomorrow's a public holiday.  It's Vesak Day!  Yay..yay...hooray!

As for this morning, Widya has left for school.  Nadyn is still in bed.  And I am taking this opportunity to update the blog while sipping my yummy hot coffee.  Cannot decide whether to have toast with strawberry jam or the leftover chicken pie in the refrigerator... aaahh, I think the chicken pie is triumphant!  Anyway, here's a picture of the chicken pie I made.  I was too lazy to make or buy puff pastry.  Instead I used short crust.  As this is my first time in making chicken pie, there's still much room for improvement.


While I am busy improving my baking skills, Nadyn is also busy with her color pencils.  She's getting much better in coloring pictures as she has more patience.  But I still have to be around her or actually sit beside her when she's doing the work.  Well, it can be quite fun and rewarding watching her at work. 

There's a baking project I have to work on.  Have been looking for some recipes on the internet but have yet to find "the one" that I like.  I still have time to do my R&D as the project is not due till early July.....  Now I'll get back to my yummy coffee and chicken pie.  Have yourself a happy week!

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