Jun 11, 2011

Here and there. This and that.

No new bakes for me lately.  Have not been too settled down to start baking.  The mind and body is a little tired.  In place of my baking pictures, I'll be putting these up..pictures of the wedding in JB.

The very happy couple!  Wishing them all the love and happiness! Semuga berkekalan hingga ke akhir hayat.

The big family.

When in JB, do not forget to buy this Nasi Lemak, ok.  It is very tasty.  We first tried this about 2 years ago when we saw it being sold at the petrol kiosk near Larkin.  That was during the fasting month..so we bought it to have for sahur.  The portion is just nice for me and my family.  The sambal also not too hot and spicy.  Kira ok lah..sedap.  Nadyn likes her rice with no or very little sambal, but look at Widya's....it's RED...mixed totally with the sambal! 

Take care and enjoy your weekend!


  1. Salam kak! sedapnyerrrrr tgk nasi lemak bungkus tu! rindu pulak nak makan nasi lemak bungkus tepi2 jalan gitu :D mekaseh dtg singgah ya :-)

  2. Your welcome ijayuji. Nanti balik Malaysia for holiday boleh lah makan nasi lemak ya!
